With a depth of engineers with extensive experience in the process control industry (refer to Our Team page), Provecta is able to provide a range of personnel to facilitate your next Control Hazards and Operability Study or CHAZOP.

Provecta is able to provide a full suite of CHAZOP services, including Preliminary, System, Loops, and Sequence CHAZOPs based on the methodology developed by Orica. CHAZOP’s can be tailored to suit the project size, complexity and client needs. Typically the CHAZOP would be conducted over one or more days and involve engagement from the project stakeholders including the project manager, control system engineer(s), process engineer(s), operators and maintenance personnel.

Should you wish to discuss any aspect of our CHAZOP facilitation services, please contact Mr David Parslow at the following contact details:

Mr David Parslow  P +61 2 8204 5456  M +61 417 423 717