Provecta’s Quality Management System is certified to ISO9001. Provecta achieved this certification within just over 12 months of operation having recognised that a critical and integral component of managing the success of Provecta would be to implement an effective Quality Management System. A link to our most recent certificate of registration is available here.
Provecta’s Quality Management System has evolved and improved as the business has grown. Provecta’s ISO9001 certification has been maintained throughout this journey.
Testament to Provecta’s commitment and application of our quality management system is our reputation, and customer feedback, for providing quality engineering services that meet and exceed customer expectations. The commitment of all staff in delivering their engineering services under the framework of Provecta’s quality management system has resulted in Provecta consistently receiving subsequent and ongoing engagements from clients, and contributed to clients entrusting Provecta to deliver unique and complex projects. We consider this to be an endorsement of our goal “To be recognised by our customers as the preferred supplier in our specialised fields”.
The latest evolution of Provecta’s QMS is the integration of our Quality and Work Health and Safety systems into an Integrated Management System (IMS).