Capital Battery – CBESS

Captial Battery Energy Storage System (CBESS)

Provecta has played a key role in the development and delivery of the 100MW/200MWh Capital Battery Energy Storage System (CBESS) project for our client and the project stakeholders Doosan GridTech, Neoen and the ACT Government.

Provecta was responsible for the design and implementation of the SCADA and network for the site and contributed to the control system design and overall integration and commissioning of the battery system. Provecta ensured seamless integration and functionality within the energy storage infrastructure.

One of our main contributions has been our comprehensive support for Doosan GridTech in testing their Power Plant Controller, navigating complex compliance issues, and ensuring alignment with Australian energy market requirements.

Our proactive approach to identifying and resolving challenges has not only bolstered the reliability and robustness of CBESS but also showcased our commitment to delivering innovative and compliant solutions. As we continue to provide ongoing maintenance, support, and drive innovations in the energy sector, Provecta reaffirms its position as a trusted partner in driving forward-thinking solutions in the energy sector whilst living our vision to enhance social well-being and be a leader in the transformation to a sustainable future.